"Rif" type manned submersible


 The design of this submersible was developed in 1985 by request of Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. Two submersibles for the Sevastopol base "Gidronavt" were constructed. Both submersibles performed works on the Black Sea for Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. The submersible "Rif" in 2014 was in Sevastopol, in the State oceanarium of Ukraine. The submersible "Morzh" at the beginning of 90s was sold in private hands and in 2014 was in Great Britain.
 For maneuvering the submersible has the engine located in a stern, the horizontal taxiing-up engines which are located forward and aft and the vertical taxiing-up engine located forward, in the same place the manipulator with 6 degrees of freedom and the powerful lamp with the camera is located.
Purpose of the vessel:     - biological, ichthyological and other researches
    - collection of bottom samples and specimens of marine fauna and flora by means of the manipulator
    - underwater photography
    - attending mariculture facilities
Length (m) 4.20
Breadth (m) 1.80
Height (m) 2.00
Displacement (tonnes) 2.8
Weight (tonnes) 2.6
Speed under water (kn) 2.0
Crew 2
Operating depth (m) 100
Active submerged work time (hr)
4 (6)
Passive submerged period (hr) 90
Power supply
rechargeable batteries
Number of units 2
Years of building 1985-1986
Built by "Опытное Конструкторское Бюро Специальных Технических Средств", Moscow, USSR

List of submersibles
Yard. №
Date of built
"Риф"  ("Rif")
"Морж"  ("Morzh")

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